Saturday, November 23, 2013


drawings while i wait for software to do its thing at work

Monday, September 9, 2013

Stuff to try to keep me calm during the Redskins vs Eagle game. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Late Night Random

This is my friend going all crazy with his DJ powers!!

My friend Tony and his Dog Ahnah( disclaimer got away from the way they looked when i got carried away with the picture haha)

A random female character with a sleeve tattoo because I have never done a character with a sleeve tattoo before.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I was playing with silhouettes and went about sketches these guys out a little backwards from the normal way i draw usually i start from the inside lay out a rough skeleton then add on top this time i drew out basic shapes of what i wanted and subtracted from it as I fleshed it out a bit more. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Some Late Night Sketches

A group of sketches I did one night to pass the time.
Character for a second story that shows up and gets in the protagonist way from time to time just to toy with them.

Monk and Tomb

Tomb in termination mode.

Bikini just for the hell of it.

there can be only one!

Venom wants to play!

The White Rabbit from Misfits.
