Thursday, November 15, 2012


I just got done reading the Maximum Carnage collection so I did this!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Arm practice

I have decided that what ever muscles I have worked out that day I will also practice drawing it and understanding it better. On the days I don't work out I will just try to do random drawings or sketches to keep the practicing. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

brothers divided

I was pretty against the new dmc when i first saw it but it's growing on me and i'm pretty excited. so i did a quick sketch.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

quick marvel sketches

Was doing some quick sketches while watching walking dead. We have wolverine and his son daken cutting things up (if i was gonna go farther with this i would probably change wolverine i'm not thrilled with him in the picture) and spidey coming in for the save.

Friday, October 26, 2012


 Power and his pet Nom Nom. I know the names aren't super crazy but it's all good!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mikey!! Pizza!!

I was at work waiting on programs to start up and i had a pen and a few markers so i decided to draw up mikey. Enjoy!!

Friday, July 6, 2012


So I caught the season finale of Teen Wolf (yea yea so sue me for watching it) and they have a pecking order for werewolves and this big guy is a quick drawing of the Alpha from season one in the final showdown. For those who have seen it i know that the alpha doesn't have a tail.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm trying to brush up on my drawing to get prepared for a comic that I might do so i'm messing around doodling trying to finalize characters and play with ideas.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reaper Ideas for a short.

Just some doodles.


My take on Marvels Onslaught. Not as attached to Xavier and Magneto as an Origin.

The Incredibles Violet and Dash a bit older and jack jack too but he is being covered up by Dash 

Sparda father of Vergil and Dante

I drew this up real quick to enter into a Devil May Cry fan give away. Maybe i'll get lucky and get something lol.


Meet the FREAKS!!! 

Boobies!!! yea let's be immature a little bit. haha

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is the first version of my friend as a super hero.

This is some thumbnails of my friend as a super hero second version.

The final version of my friend as a super hero.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another day my friend gave me a angler fish as a reference for a for a creature and this is what i came up with.
I asked one of the guys I worked with for something to draw and he said boogeyman. This is my version of the boogeyman.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The heart of the planet from above made four guardians. The very top stalagtite looking creature floats around and when provoked lava tentacles ooze out the top striking enemies, when it becomes more aggressive it drops to the ground splitting itself up using the magma to form a body and legs so it becomes more mobile on land. The second creature down is pretty much a giant magama bat.
The golem at the top is a slow moving creature but a super heavy hitter with its massive rock arm. The fourth creature travels around slowly in a catipillar state until something wonders in to close it is very territorial and when it gets pissed it opens up into a scorpion type creature and will attack until its prey is dead or until it has fallen.

This is a character design I drew up for my friends game. He is the heart of one of the planets and the god and ruler over all the inhabitants on his planet.
So I'm on the blog train better late then never I guess! more coming soon.